

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Noir Interview Part 3

We begin September with $2.57 in ad clicks and 42,340 all time views so far. Its been a slow week in Watchcatland with a lot of my time going to teaching 3 Harmony classes and learning more about the software. I actually woke up from a dream where I was using the software and trying to explaining it to someone. Not very restful.

Fall has always been a season of change and we are working on new changes as well. In order to tell the tale of Watchcat story properly, I feel I don't have the time or resources to create an animated series. Doing a graphic novel would be less of a challenge. 

J.R.R.R.Jim Hardison has a new novel called "The Fish Wielder" which I just finished reading over the weekend. This is a major accomplishment for me, since I don't read a lot of books, only ones I want to read.

Hardison tells the tale of Thoral Mighty Fist who is in search of adventure with his best friend, an air breathing Koi fish named Brad. And what an adventure they get in "Fish Wielder". Here's a sample of the first chapter.

I'm working on an interview with J.R.R.R... and will post it here soon. Until then, here's the third and final interview with the makers of Noir, Lee Anthony Smith and Gregory J. Bradley.

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